Joanna M. Pilatowicz

¿ni¿ca IV - Przytulaj¿c ciemno¿¿

'seria "¿ni¿ca"'. Paperback. Sprache: Polnisch.
kartoniert , 276 Seiten
ISBN 1393078419
EAN 9781393078418
Veröffentlicht Januar 2021
Verlag/Hersteller Joanna M. Pilatowicz
24,80 inkl. MwSt.
Lieferbar innerhalb von 3-5 Tagen (Versand mit Deutscher Post/DHL)

-ni-ca Jasmin w swej emigracyjnej w-drówce podejmuje wyzwanie sprawdzenia möliwöci -ycia i pracy w Nowym Jorku. Sny o sobie jako Sarze ze staröytnego Egiptu zmieniaj- si- na nocne spotkania z… wampirami. Nieznany straszny -wiat ma swoje prawa i znów zdaje si- wp-ywä na rzeczywistö-, gdzie komunikacja z najbli-szymi kuleje. Nieporozumienia sprzyjaj- izolacji od i tak nieprzyjaznego otoczenia. Czy Jasmin stanie si- wampirem czy te- powróci Sara, coraz bardziej zaj-ta ogl-daniem poczynä nieziemskich istot obecnych na Ziemi?


Joanna M. Pilatowicz is an adult's coach, dancer, dance teacher, choreographer, author, abstract painter, and recording artist. She has lived in Poland, The Netherlands and currently resides in Germany.
Her master thesis, "Expansion Through Dance," explored the concept of using dance as a healing media, positively influencing not only body, but mind and soul as well.
Life in the Netherlands inspired her to write her first short stories, in Polish language, hiding some of observed reality behind the veil of fantasy. As she says, "Passing the borders of reality, I would say I am entering the world of fantasy, dreamland, and paranormal; however it is all still connected to everyday life."
"I was always drawn by what's invisible to a human eye. At the same time, probably from a desire to understand my own Self and motives more, I started to write diaries which unfolded in an unexpected way. So I just followed it."
"The supernatural creatures in my books and paranormal aspects present there are my own ways of expressing my reality, linking non - fiction with a feeling world as well as adding some sort of higher force to it."
"It is my own metaphor for different roles from our so-called subpersonalities that perhaps want to share their story with us, in order for us to grow, explore, experience or have a more fulfilling life. I do my best to follow these inner voices, giving them space and grabbing their message."
For more information about Joanna and her passions, please visit: