Burnett Brown

Further Along in Isaan

Information and Insights for Travelers, Explorers and Those Just Passing Through. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 444 Seiten
ISBN 1514433974
EAN 9781514433973
Veröffentlicht März 2016
Verlag/Hersteller Xlibris US

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Some say that Northeast Thailand, or Isaan, is the real Thailand; and it might be! It is definitely, however, a last frontier; a frontier with a traditional or old fashioned way of life that has already disappeared elsewhere. It offers those who seek out less traveled roads a great deal to see, do, experienceand to remember. Further Along In Isaan takes travelers into this mysterious land and introduces them to its enigmatic people and cultureand shows them its towns and cities, its rivers and mountainsand its monuments. A lot of helpful travel advice is also included!


"Bill" Burnett Brown has been traveling along less traveled roads all his life, some by choice and others by force of circumstance. A sojourner in Asia since the mid-1980's, he has resided in Thailand since the late 1990's; his last two books, Thailand Destinations and Isaan Intro, have both provided prospective travelers and students of the human condition with helpful, insightful, balanced information and analysis. A former university instructor, a student of the great philosophers and an avid outdoorsman, Bill grew up in the southern United States and takes great pride in the fact that, so far, he's still alive.

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